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Call Out to Start ups and Innovators to Pitch to investors at out our Gala Ecosystem Event

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Calling out to all Innovators who want to Disrupt the future of Plastics:
Opportunities for funding and corporate partnerships 


Plastic is around us in almost everything we use, wear, eat and consume. Unfortunately  it is also around us in ways that are harmful, to us and to our environment. Microplastics are found in our drinking water, in our soil, in our food and water sources. Plastic waste is threatening wildlife and habitats, and plastic manufacturing is harming natural resources.


Solving this problem must be systemic, including diverse solutions to all aspects of plastic – from manufacturing, to reuse, recycling and treatment at end of life, to developing new alternatives to plastic. But even this is not enough. We must forge new collaborations between stakeholders, forge alliances for systemic change, and unlock new capital to enable and accelerate that change.


What is the Role of VC's  in the Disruption of the Future of Plastics? How do private/ public partnerships change move the needle? How is innovation in #PlasTech scalable?

The Challenge 

Arc IMPACT is leading an initiative to bring together key stakeholders to discover, convene, collaborate and empower innovation that will disrupt the future of plastics. The goal is to create systemic change.  


The ecosystem event will bring all parties together on February 12th. Leading up to the event, we are calling out to the Israel Ecosystem to apply to this challenge. We want to discover, and uncover what the Israeli Ecosystem has to offer. We are asking founders or innovators to fill in an application form. Venture capital partners from around the world that specifically invest in disrupting the future of plastics will receive all applications. Applicants may have the opportunity to be matched to leading corporates looking for POC’s and solutions. This will provide exposure, visibility and partnership opportunities.


5-8 winning solutions will gain social media coverage and a chance to pitch solutions at the main event. The choice will be based on the partner’s feedback on the most promising and catalytic opportunities. All applicants will be invited to the event and will be seen by investors and corporations. We want to provide our VC partners with good Plastic Tech investment opportunities at all the various stages of development. 

 The Call Out

The Purpose 

  • Map existing innovation and solutions addressing different aspects of the Future of Plastics in Israel.

  • Generate a high-quality pool of 5-8 companies to present innovative ideas to a selected group of investors and corporations to demonstrate to them the opportunities that are already here.

  • Ignite a 3-year initiative to grow the ecosystem of innovative solutions and effective interventions and scale them.

Call for Applications Categories

We are looking to map innovation and solutions at diverse stages. As we understand that companies at different stage require different support, we designed 3 categories offering winning teams in each category a big step forward. These are Ideation, Early and Growth Stages. 

Ideation Stage
Growth stage
  • Appear on 1st Disrupting Plastics startup map

  • Chance to present to investors

  • Opportunity to design a paid pilot with a potential client

  • Appear on 1st Disrupting Plastics startup map

  • Mentoring and supporting in product-market fit and professional know how by market leaders

  • Exposure to investors

Early stage
  • Facilitated roundtable of experts to help you tackle a selected challenge

  • Mentoring by leading industry professionals

  • $5K cash prize for R&D of technology

Plastic Polluted Ocean
Plastic Polluted Ocean


We invite all startups, research departments, innovation teams, academic units corporations that are working on related solutions in this field to apply! This will cover any technological based innovation that brings plastics into the circular economy whilst reducing waste and targeting net zero. If you have solutions that are applied in other fields but can pivot to apply them to disrupting the future of plastics - we would love to hear from you too. 


Categories include:

  • Material Substitution

  • Material Redesign

  • Material Efficiency

  • Alternative Delivery

  • End of Life Enabling Solutions

  • Chemical Recycling

  • Recycling, Upcycling and Circular Economy Solutions

Apply Now  

Applications open now until  FEB 6th
Cleaning the Beach
Clean Beach

Ecosystem Event

Sunday ​FEB 12th 2023

17.30 pm- 20.30 pm 

146 Menachem Began Rd

MidTown Tel AVIV

Fischer (FBC and Co)

'Disrupting the Future of Plastics’ Ecosystem Event will bring together local and international investors, corporations, founders, academia and experts to accelerate and support the development of tech innovation that brings plastics into the circular economy whilst reducing waste and targeting net zero. 

The Event will include: 

1. Pitches from the finalists who applied to the Innovation for The Future of Plastics Call Out    

2. Panel discussions with investors,corporations and thought leaders about the innovation and implementation needed to move the needle forward for reducing plastic waste.

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